Thursday, June 7, 2012

Life Is What You Make of It - Life With a Purpose - ISSUE 39 - 6/1/12

As human beings, we are all creatures of habit. Just about everything we do on a daily basis is some form of repeated behavior. Most of the time we don't even realize the things we do are the result of years of repeating them over and over.

Take a moment and think about the way you talk, the way you chew, the way you dress yourself, the way you shower, the way you drive to work everyday, etc. I assure you, these are all behaviors you have most likely done for so many years that very little thought goes into how you do them. Some may say that it's "Second Nature."

Obviously, there are good habits and bad habits. You should be able to distinguish between the two fairly quickly. If you want to be successful in business and in life, you are going to have to throw away as many bad habits and adopt as many good habits as humanly possible.
Procrastination is one of the worst habits any business owner could have. The reason for this is because so much success comes from the simple act of doing. Nowadays too many people have the mindset of "I'll do it tomorrow" because there is more entertainment now than ever in the history of mankind and in my opinion, too many people are engulfed in a life full of too much entertainment. Don't let yourself fall into this category; it's a trap. You will never get anywhere in life and you will never accomplish the goals you want to if all you do is party and have fun all the time.

One of the other root causes of procrastination is drugs and alcohol. They both fall into the same category for this discussion because they both make you feel like crap, and when you feel like crap, you aren't going to be productive. It's that simple. They also impair your judgment and significantly affect your mental and physical health. Unfortunately, for those of you who like to do either or both, you are going to have to consume very little, if at all, if you want to get anywhere in life. You need to be on your "A-game" at all times, especially if you are like most people who have a full time job and are working to grow your business on your spare time.
I heard the best quote in the movie 'Hitch' -- "Like I always tell my clients - begin each day as if it were on purpose." You have to make a choice. No one else is going to make it for you. Do you want to live a life full of "Purpose" or do you want to live a life of "Sitting on your @$$, watching TV"?

The other day I was thinking about a seminar I went to recently hosted by one of my favorite authors, Jeffrey Gitomer. He mentioned that while people are at home watching TV, he's at home writing and making money. He lives every day of his life happier than anyone else I know because his purpose is to make a difference in other people's lives.

What finally dawned on me was that the people on TV are usually the ones living a life of purpose. They are the ones people watch accomplishing their goals and dreams. This is where you're going to have to make a choice - Do you want to always be the person sitting on the couch, watching other people become successful and accomplish their goals and dreams, or do you want to be someone other people watch on the TV?

The funniest part of this revelation was when I realized that most people who are successful tend to be loaners and the people who are entertainment junkies are the ones who have lots of friends. I've always been the loaner type for that very reason and never even realized it. I have a very hard time just "hanging out" anymore because I feel it's a waste of my time. I know I could be doing something more productive than just sitting around doing nothing.
Also, people are very judgmental. Whether you realize it or not, most people don't have the same mindset as you and there's nothing you can do to force people to see the world through your eyes. They see the world through their own eyes and their own mindset. No matter how hard you try, they are going to do whatever it takes to bring you down to their level. You must hold yourself to the highest of standards and not let anyone pull you away from what you have or want to do in life. You only have one life and it's YOURS not THEIRS.

I believe that the people in your life are either with you, or against you when it comes to success. If they don't support your goals and aspirations, they are against you. If they are truly the people they say and truly love you, they will support you in anything you decide. Whether they admit it or not, your friends and family can become very envious and jealous of your decision to live a life full of purpose because most people give up on their dreams early on in life. You must keep your thoughts and ideals to yourself (unless, of course, they take a big interest in what you are doing) because those people closest to you have more power over your destination than you could possibly imagine.

In most instances people will not listen to a word you have to say until you have proven yourself to be successful. The best way to get your friends and family on board with what you are doing is to let your actions speak rather than your words. Attract people to you rather than going around telling everyone what you are doing. Believe me when I say, "IT WORKS!"

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