Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to Regain Your Clarity - ISSUE 52

Life has a tendency to throw curveballs your way in the most inopportune times and oftentimes you don't even realize it until it's too late. I'm talking about the loss of vision, motivation, inspiration, determination, perseverance, and even writer's block. One day you are rocking and rolling, the next you are blankly staring at your computer screen clicking on random links. You're wondering what happened to your momentum.

Well, I'm here to tell you from firsthand experience, this can all be fixed. There are multiple ways to regain your clarity but it's not going to happen overnight. Depending on how dense the fog in your head has become, it may take you 1-2 years before you get your spark back. The good news is that if you catch it early enough, it could take as little as a week. You just have to be able to see the signs of the fog rolling in and be proactive rather than reactive.

Go Outside and Play

One of the best ways to keep your sanity is to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Go for a walk and get your body back in motion. Get that heart pumpin'! Nowadays we are so used to sitting in a chair all day, there's no wonder why so many people are lazy and unhealthy. Our bodies were designed to be limber and to move, not to be sedentary and motionless.

The next and even better thing is to go to the gym at least three times per week. You must also make sure you're spending a good 15-20 minutes stretching to release all the toxins in your body (Read - 'New Year's Resolutions, Your Business, & Going to the Gym'). Exercising does wonders for your mental state. Within 30 days, you'll feel more energized, happy, and ready to attack anything that comes your way.

Take a Break

Unfortunately, you live in a go-go-go society. The world is moving at the speed of light. If you are a small business owner, you already know that taking a break can be very difficult at times with all the demands set forth. Well, I'm here to tell you from experience, this is extremely important. If you don't take a break and time to stop and smell the roses, your life will pass you by before you know it and all you will have to reflect on is how hard you worked.

Ideally you shouldn't work more than 40 hours a week. Take time to spend with your friends and family as well as to give your body and mind time to rest and recover. You should also take at least one day a week to do absolutely nothing except for fun and relaxing activities.

You should also take at least 2 weeks off per year, preferably in a row. Put your work down and refresh. Go out of town and get away. Sleep as much as possible. After your vacation is over, you will come back to work ready to tackle just about anything!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Are you driven by Hope and Faith or Fear and Desperation? - ISSUE 51

Why do you think some people are more successful than others? Do you think it's because they are always better, smarter, more skilled, more experienced, more educated, etc. etc.? Or do you think it's a driving force that comes from within them to keep pressing forward? Believe it or not, it's the latter.

Keep Hope and Faith Alive

Studies have proven that successful people are not always born into wealth and power. They are also not the people who have the most education. Instead, they are the people who have found the inner strength to overcome all obstacles. They have a vision for their future and they will not let anyone stand in the way of their true calling in life.

They believe in themselves when other people don't. They think positively when other people tell them they aren't good enough or they won't succeed. This inner power comes from keeping their Hope and Faith alive. 

Many people don't realize the richest woman in the world, Oprah Winfrey came from a life of poverty and faced more trials and tribulations as a child than most face in a lifetime. She went from wearing dresses made out of potato sacks as a child to being worth $2.7 billion (Forbes).

Sam Walton (founder of Wal-Mart) milked cows and sold magazines in Oklahoma on a farm during the Great Depression.

Source: Business Insider - 15 Inspirational Rags-to-Riches Stories

Overcoming Fear and Desperation

If you're like most people, you're probably thinking to yourself, "I'm not mentally strong enough," or "I can't do it." First of all, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford. Second of all, stop listening to those people in your life who try to bring you down to their level. They have failed in their lives and even though it's subconscious, they don't want to see you fail so they try to stop you from taking risks and ultimately succeeding.

The reality is, all people who have become successful have failed more times in their lives than their are M&Ms in a vending machine. By true definition, they are failures. In other words, if you want to succeed in life, you're going to have to fail. It's that simple.

The best way to keep the hope and faith alive is to surround yourself by successful, supportive, like-minded individuals. You can find this support by joining networking groups, going to seminars, and even Church. There's always people out there who will be there for you, regardless of your situation.

The second best way to keep fear and desperation from setting in is to constantly read and develop your mind. Whether you realize it or not, your thoughts, ideas, and viewpoint on life is developed by the information you put into your head. If you stay away from the garbage, you will most certainly see opportunity knocking on every corner.

How to Find a Web Development Company & What to Look For - Interview - ISSUE 50

Featuring Shane Russell - Chief Master Marketer, Suited Marketing


Want to be interviewed?

Subsilio Consulting

Looking for Web Development?

Suited Marketing

ABCs of Inbound Marketing - ISSUE 49

Featuring HubSpot's ABCs of Inbound Marketing

Gone are the days of bombarding prospects with print and TV ads. Today, people don’t want to be interrupted. Instead, they’re literally turning away from brands that keep using traditional means. The good news is marketing has changed too. Now, inbound marketing offers a cost-effective and quantifiable method of generating more leads and closing more deals than traditional, outbound marketing ever did.

Inbound marketing draws ideal buyers directly to your business’s doorstep. With inbound marketing, you match educational content with the specific challenges your prospects face at the perfect time in their buying process. It leverages social media so fans tell your story and share your content — further fueling traffic to your website and increasing leads for your business. Lead nurturing keeps you at the top of prospects’ minds, building credibility and respect, which distances you from your competitors.

A - a/b testing

B - blogging

C - conversion path

D - dynamic content

E - email marketing

F - facebook

G - google

H - html

I - inbound marketing

J - journalism

K - keywords

L - landing page

M - meme

N - nofollow link

O - offer

P - pinterest

Q - qualified lead

R - responsive design

S - smarketing (Suited Marketing)

T - Twitter

U - universal search

- video marketing

W - workflow

X - xml feed

Y - youtube

Z - zen

Click to Download eBook

Why You Should Create a Digital Business Card - ISSUE 48

Why You should Create a Digital Business Card to Explode Your Business

Like most small business owners, I bet you are running from networking event to networking event trying to make as many connections as you possibly can. How many times have you rehearsed and performed your 30-second commercial? Is it even effective? How do you know? Is anyone even interested in what you are saying?

First of all, when you are networking, you should be focusing on building relationships and NOT selling your product or service. You may have heard this before, but you were born with two ears and one mouth for a reason so you MUST use them proportionately and listen twice as much as you are speaking. People are going to not only trust you more when you are asking questions and listening, they are also going to feel like you really care about them more than you care about yourself. Whether you do or not, that's up to you, but I can guarantee you that the more outward focused you become, the more your business will grow and thrive.

Secondly, is saying the exact same thing over and over really effective and exciting for you? If you've consistently performed your 30-second commercial over and over, does it sound robotic or do you have the same enthusiasm and passion every single time? If you are like most people, you are most likely sounding more robotic each and every time.

Lastly, after attending hundreds of networking events and meetings, and listening to hundreds of people give their 30-second commercial, I can almost guarantee you are talking about the benefits and features of your business and not your passions. Telling people what you do is fine, but expressing your passions is paramount to be remembered. People won't remember you nor will they connect with you based off what you do, but they will if you share why you do and what you are most passionate about. I heard from a very highly respected man, Gary Sugar, recently that most people live in the shadow of their business, but must make their business the shadow of their passions.

Express your passions and stand out from the rest of your competition. Create a digital business card to do the selling for you. You've probably seen QR codes (square barcodes) on the back of business cards. If you already have one, have it go to a one-page website with your commercial, business card information, and a contact form. We have just began this new service of helping you accomplish this.

Digital Business Card

78 Ways to Increase Your Profits Through Lead Generation - ISSUE 47

    1. Local Newspaper Advertising
    2. Daily Newspaper
    3. TV Advertising
    4. Radio Advertising
    5. Magazine Advertising
    6. Trade Journal Advertising
    7. Industry Newsletter Ads
    8. School Newsletter Ads
    9. Newspaper, Magazine & Newsletter Inserts
    10. Public Relations
    11. Press Releases
    12. Letterbox Flyers
    13. Sidewalk Handbills
    14. Catalogues
    15. Brochures
    16. Yellow Pages
    17. White Pages
    18. Directories
    19. Barter/Trade Exchanges
    20. Buy Database Lists
    21. Direct Mail
    22. Piggyback Invoice Mailings
    23. Tender Lists
    24. Fax Outs
    25. Billboards/Posters
    26. Shop-a-Dockets
    27. Taxi Backs
    28. Cinema Advertising
    29. Sponsorships
    30. Postcard Mailings
    31. Internet/Web Pages
    32. Building Signage
    33. Car Signage
    34. In-store & Sidewalk Signage
    35. Window Displays
    36. Passing Trade
    37. Point of Sale Material/Displays
    38. Product Packaging
    39. Video/In-store Displays
    40. Shopping Center Promotions
    41. Create an Industry Newsletter
    42. Stickers and Tags
    43. Fridge Magnets
    44. Named Promotional Gifts
    45. Blimps, Balloons, Plane Banners & Skywriting
    46. Gov’t Programs/Contracts
    47. Uniforms/Name Tags
    48. Business Cards
    49. Networking Functions
    50. Salespeople
    51. Telemarketing
    52. Cold Calling
    53. Competitions/Surveys
    54. Host Beneficiaries
    55. Strategic Alliances
    56. Write a Book/eBook
    57. Seminars & Events
    58. Fetes & Shows
    59. Open Days & Sign On Days
    60. Fundraising Campaigns
    61. Trade Shows
    62. Party Plan
    63. Network Marketing
    64. Distributors/Agents
    65. Licensees/Franchisees
    66. Market Days
    67. Change/Open More Locations
    68. Trade Longer/Different Hours
    69. Open New Territories
    70. Test & Measure
    71. Provide Team Selling Incentives
    72. Team Buying Incentives
    73. Referral System
    74. Social Media
    75. Blogging
    76. YouTube
    77. Search Engine Optimization
    78. Email Marketing