First of all, you have to forget all the old methods of marketing (for now) and adopt new age marketing tactics. The old rules were simple: you buy attention, you beg for attention, or you bug your way in by selling. How many times have you dropped everything to buy something you saw on a commercial? How many times have you answered the phone when you knew you were being called by a Telemarketer? How many times have you let the guy at your door stand and talk about his product for thirty minutes? I'm willing to bet that the answer to all of those is simple... you haven't! If you won't give them the time, why would you waste your time beating a dead horse?
The old ways of marketing focus time and energy to nameless, faceless people. While this has worked in the past, it no longer holds up. You must focus your marketing efforts on those "Buyer Personas" or "Real People" who you are trying to sell to. You have to figure out how to connect with those people on a personal level and you have to appeal to their wants and desires, not yours.
Now, let's take a look at the new ways of marketing. You must "Earn attention by Publishing your way in." You heard it. You have to become a writer! If you don't like writing, you have to become a Reporter. Either way, you have to become known as the expert in your field within your community. Remember from a previous blog, I said that a community is any place that people gather.
You may already know of many ways to become Published, but if not, here are some examples:
Write a blog
- Blogger
- Write an ebook
Social Networking
Video Blog
- YouTube
- Online Workshops
If you are still uncertain how to go about asking your Buyer Personas, just look at what other people are doing in your industry. You may want to start by writing a blog or you might want to call your current clients over the phone. Ask them for a few minutes of their time and let them know that their opinions are really important to you. Not only will this 'Wow' them, but don't be surprised if you begin to see more sales, more clients, and more growth because of it. You will be getting very valuable information and at the same time, exponentially increasing your Public Relations perception. Be creative in your efforts - find multiple ways to connect with your clientele.
Most business owners make the mistake of always talking about themselves and their products. People don't care about you and your product. Instead, they are selfish and only care about themselves and how your product or service can benefit them. An example of this can be found on the websites of most Hotels. Take a look. You will see that almost all hotels show you the same "stuff." They show you the rooms, the fluffy pillows, the food, the swimming pools, the bar, etc.
What they need to be showing you is how you can connect to them. A great way to do this would be to have a portal with multiple people engaged in some sort of activity. They could have a businessperson on the phone in the lobby with his laptop. Or, they could have a picture of a couple organizing a wedding outside on the beautiful grounds. You get the picture... I hope.
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