Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why is goal setting so important to be successful? - ISSUE 8 - 4/21/10

If you don't commit yourself to goals,
you will never get where you want to go.

I have been told by many sources that goal setting is one of the most important tasks necessary to become successful. It's imperative you write them out and display them in a place you can see them every day.  You must constantly be reminded of what you're working towards and you have to be able to visualize yourself accomplishing your goals to have them become a reality.

Your goals will constantly change, but it's really important to have something you're working towards to stay focused and motivated.  If you don't take these necessary steps, you will soon find out you feel you're spinning circles and you're not really working towards anything.

There are three types of goals you must write down—immediate, short-term and long-term goals.


Short-term goals are goals you will accomplish on a day-to-day basis.  Every morning you wake up you will have your daily goals to look forward to accomplishing.  It's these goals which will move you towards your short and long-term goals.  Make sure you don't skip over these goals because they're absolutely imperative on your journey towards success.

I want you to think of taking a road trip cross country.  You live in California, and you're planning to drive to Florida.  Let's say, for example, you decide to take the trip without any plan.  You just jump in the car and start driving.  You know you have to go east, but are uncertain as to which freeways you need to take to make it the entire distance.  Sure you can stop and ask for directions, but what if you're out in the middle of nowhere and there's no one around?

After driving a few hours you begin to get hungry.  You were in such a hurry to get to Florida you forgot to grab your wallet and you didn't bring any snacks with you.  It starts to rain.  You run out of gas and are stranded on the side of the road without a change of clothes.  You will eventually make it to Florida but it's going to be a very harsh and long journey.

If you don't plan out your trip, it may take you ten times as long to arrive at your destination than if you would have taken a little time to plan before embarking on the journey.

Now, let's say you do just that.  You sit down and spend about one whole day planning out your trip.  You make a list of all the items you will need.  You pack enough clothes and go to the store to buy enough food, snacks, and beverages to last you for ten days.  You make sure you have plenty of gas in your car and double check you have your wallet with you before you leave your house.  And lastly, you go on Google Maps to make sure you know exactly how to get to your destination.

It's amazing how the power of planning and visualization will get you to your destination swiftly and smoothly when done ahead of time.

Please visit to learn more about our company, educational products, services, and promotions and our What We Do page for more information.

Shane Russell,Suited Marketing,Business,Mentor,Marketing,Advertising,SEO

Visit our Library

5 Secrets to Making Money Online By Bob Parsons CEO and Founder of - ISSUE 7 - 4/9/10

"With the right product and right know-how,
you can make a lot of money with an online store."

Bob Parsons

1) Make an offer the customer can't refuse

"Presenting the right offer is incredibly important."

    A) Make it clear why customers should buy from you and not the competition.
      a. Find the points of differentiation
        i. Price
        ii. Quality
        iii. Service
        iv. Experience
      b. Communicate those differences on your website and all marketing materials.

    B) Whenever possible, there should be no risk for your customers.
      a. Money Back Guarantee
      b. 100% Refund Policy
      c. Give customers peace of mind, which will help close sales.

    C) Tell your customers why they need your products
      a. Tell them how it will make their life better or their business more successful.

2) Find the right audience!

"First and foremost, you have to get your product or service in front of the right buyers."

    A) Your advertising must attract prospects who are interested in what you offer.
      a. Don't cast too wide of a net.
      b. Start small and stay very focused.
        i. Focus on SEO and Paid Search Ads
          a) See Bob Parsons video blogs: #17 and #22

3) Show them what you've got!

"The right presentation is important."

    A) Get to the point
      a. Forget about the fancy music and layer upon layer of graphics.
      b. If you have music, and don't sell music, lose it!

"You're driving customers away and losing sales."

    B) Provide customers with detailed descriptions of all your products and services.
      a. The more clarity you provide about your products and services, the more likely a customer will buy from you.
      b. People are visual, so pictures of your products are an absolute must!
        i. Pictures or video give your customers a sense of what they're buying.
        ii. Inadequate visuals leave buyers cold.
      c. Testimonials from previous customers will help new customers in their buying decision.

4) Be Easy!

"If customers want to spend money with you, make it easy for them."

    A) Have lots of payment and shipping options.
    B) Always be quick to fulfill orders.

"Nothing makes a customer happier than instant gratification."

5) Give Service With a Smile!

"Always, Always, Always take care of your customers."

    A) Listen intently to complaints.
    B) Fix issues fast.
    C) Always be learning to techniques to help service customers.

"General Failure 101: Huge mistake most vendors make
is trying to eliminate human interaction with customers."

    D) Make it easy for customers to talk to you to get questions answered and solve problems.

"Great service will bring customers back time and time again."


Please visit to learn more about our company, educational products, services, and promotions and our What We Do page for more information.

Shane Russell,Suited Marketing,Business,Mentor,Marketing,Advertising,SEO

Visit our Library

Jump Start Your Business - Learn how to grow your business and increase your sales - ISSUE 6 - 3/14/10

You are currently in your marketplace and your economy. The fear of loss is greater than the thought of gain. The only thing driving you is your desire to be the best! Everything else will follow - money and success.

You need to come up with a 2010 and 2011 gameplan. Stop focusing on the past. It's over!

We have been speaking of many different principles to help you build a successful business, but don't just take our word for it. The most successful businessmen are saying the same things.

Below you will find the outline and keypoints to the previously mentioned webinar video by Jeffrey Gitomer. Take the time out of your busy schedule to watch the video. Once you apply this video's principles you will make you more money than you could possibly imagine.

Online Webinar outline presented by Nevada State Bank and Hosted by Jeffrey Gitomer - Author, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Sales Coach, Millionaire. Overall, great guy!

Don't know where to start?
Don't have time to market your business?

We will help you with everything.



1 ) Visit your top 25 customers in person

2 ) Get your online presence out of the 1990s

3 ) Start offering help and value messages

4 ) Develop and maintain business and personal relationships with clients

  • Utilize Social Media
    • Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Our Social Network, etc.
  • Improve your Google Ranking
    • Google yourself or business - What comes up?
    • FACT: Google is the fastest growing company in the history of the world.

Social Media and Google Ranking will
greatly enhance your online reputation

  • Purchase website
    • Write a one page philosophy about how you treat your customers.
    • If you have kids, register their names immediately, while they're still young.

What Would Google Do?

- Written by Jeff Jarvis

Buy it, read it, live it, apply it.

5 ) Build Moral

  • Be the "Yes" man

6 ) Focus on Customer Loyalty

  • Word-of-Mouth Advertising
  • Referrals
  • Repeat Customers

7 ) When calling on customers

  • Value Proposition
    • In favor of customer
    • No Sales Calls!

8 ) Learn customer buying motives

  • Don't use old-world techniques

#1 Rule of Business -

"People hate to be sold, but love to buy!"

- Jeffrey Gitomer

9 ) Change from Cold Calls to Referrals

  • Focus on existing customers
  • Referral = Report Card

10) Take a course in Creativity

  • Invent something obvious
    • Keep thinking all the time.
  • Say "Thank You" to your customers
    • They will appreciate it.
  • Develop best business card on the planet!
    • It's not a business card, but a conversation starter.
    • It's a marketing piece.
  • Create a business card mousepad
    • Go on Facebook.
    • Take picture of potential client's child or spouse.
    • Create mousepad.
    • On bottom of mousepad put:
      • "For more Mousepads call Suited Marketing at 312.841.7848"

11) Have at least one annual sales team celebration

12) Your ability to make the sale

  • Be as value-driven as your customer
  • The Secret of Sales - Strategies to approach the sale
    • Intelligent Engagement
      • AKA - "Friendly Engagement.™"
    • Your Preparation
    • Your Questions
    • Your Ideas
    • Your Attitude, Belief, and Enthusiasm
    Sustained Engagement
    • Bring all five skills
    • The sale is yours
    Intelligent Engagement
    • Earn respect
    • Perceived as best
      • The mental justification for the emotional decision to buy.
    Emotional Engagement
    • Passion or belief combined with prospects emotional decision to buy which is justified logically.
    • People want to do business with people who are friendly & people whom they like.
    Sustained Engagement
    • Ability for sales person to engage throughout entire process

A sale is made everytime...
either you sale them on yes or they sale you on no.

12.5) Build your attitude

  • Look at your attitude.
  • Concentrate on yourself and how friendly you are.
  • Ask yourself how you respond to your customers.
  • Have a deep belief in who you are.
  • Have a love for your product or service.
  • Dedicate yourself to being a student.
    • Never stop learning.
  • Always be prepared.
  • Your people need to know your customers and love to serve.
  • Your job is to ask for, or suggest, more.
    • Always upsell one more.
  • Get ready to be your best
  • Do not add value. Give value first.

You are the difference!

Training will teach you how; education will teach you why.

  • Train and Educate yourself to be the best.
    • Once you're the best, you can train others to be the best.
  • Review quality and eliminate anything that's not the best.
  • The company and product you represent already have the quality you're looking for. The only variable is you!
  • Have the value of being "First Class!"
    • First Class is a business and a person
      • It's also a reputation - Be First Class."
      • Get people to say you're a "First Class" person when they talk about you behind your back."
  • Attitude is Everything
    • Attitude rules your service, your sales, your family, your career, your business, and your life.
    • Spend 15 minutes in the morning focusing and/or talking about attitude.
    • "Positive attitude is a self-imposed blessing." - J.G.
    • "Impact your market. Don't just be in your marketplace."
      • -Jeffrey Gitomer
  • You can do all this stuff on your own to help you succeed in today's market, but the challenge is, are you willing to invest the time it takes to be the best?

"The person who knows how will always have a job; the person who knows why will always be his boss."

Tips in the Current Marketplace

  • If you're thinking about how to get more customers to your door, you should first ask yourself if you're doing anything to drive them away.
  • Focus on value and visit 25 of your best customers.
  • Take advantage of this economy and the low interest rates.
  • Guard your money.
    • Make sure you don't run out.
    • Plan for your cashflow.
  • Keep your customers loyal to you.
    • Do extra for your customers.
    • Out serve and out value your competition. Not just outsell and out price them.
    • Customers want value so you become a better value provider for THEM!
    • Customers want answers for "their stuff." They don't just want to buy "your stuff."
    • The more help and answers you give them, the more likely they're going to do business with you in the present and furture.
  • Figure out a way to get on the News.
    • Give something away every day for a week.
      • Example, "Economic Recovery Flower."
    • Make certain everyone knows you're a value provider.

Online Webinar outline presented by Nevada State Bank and Hosted by Jeffrey Gitomer - Author, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Sales Coach, Millionaire. Overall, great guy!

Please visit to learn more about our company, educational products, services, and promotions and our What We Do page for more information.

Shane Russell,Suited Marketing,Business,Mentor,Marketing,Advertising,SEO
Shane Russell
Senior Marketing Analyst
Visit our Library

How to begin creating your company's online presence - ISSUE 5 - 3/10/10

You may have already owned your company for many years, or are just beginning the journey. Regardless, you are very aware the Internet is creating wealth like never before. However, you don't have a clue how to market yourself online, nor do you know where to begin. Never worry, we are here to teach you some basic fundamentals.

We are adding very valuable information to our website on a regular basis. Please visit us at when you have a moment. You will be making the best decision you've made since starting your business.

Step 1: Blogging, Email/Ezine Marketing, and eBooking

Just imagine. About 10-15 years ago, none of these words existed, however, they have become a few of the most important words in today's world to guide you towards your path to success. You no longer can be successful by cold-calling. Today's successful business owners write "Value Messages" to their clients. These value messages include items which will help individuals, or build value in their lives, but will remain directly related to your business.

Great Ideas for eZine articles

Here are a few "teach tips" to get your team to the next level...
  • Teach EVERYONE that attitude is the foundation of success, both personal and business
  • Teach EVERYONE the importance of friendliness
  • Teach EVERYONE that speed of response is not an option
  • Teach EVERYONE how to respond to customer complaints
  • Teach EVERYONE that service is as important as sales
  • Teach EVERYONE to ask for more business
  • Teach EVERYONE to suggest more
  • Teach EVERYONE to thank the customer for their business

Inspired by Jeffrey Gitomer

Don't just take my word for it. Visit by Jeffrey Gitomer, author of "The Little Red Book of Selling," and distinguished motivational speaker. He has tons of great insight.

Other topics to write about

The following are just some ideas you can use to write value messages to your customers. Please, feel free to use or alter them in any way you feel fit.
      1. How and why you decided to start your business "X" years ago.
      2. The struggles you went through in the beginning stages.
      3. The success you experienced over the years.
      4. How you initially obtained clients.
      5. What you did to keep the clients coming back.
      6. How long it took you to become profitable.
      7. What you would do different if you had to do it all over again.
      8. Why new and existing customers choose you over the competition.
      9. What is unique about your product and/or service.
      10. Your short-term and long-term goals.
      11. How you could help a business owner build their business by purchasing your product or service.

Step 2: Partnering with other companies

Once you re-program your mind to focus on helping other people, you will quickly begin to see the rewards come back ten-fold.

The search engines rank your website/business based off the relativity and quality of content, and even the popularity of your page. Your primary goal is to get to the top of the search engine when a potential customer/client is searching for information. The higher your ranking, the more traffic your site will receive.

One great way to do this is to research for companies you could partner up with to send each other referrals. For example, if you own a printing company, such as my friend Dan Wees with Advanced Printing Solutions ( He has a great market niche because his printing company is able to print on just about anything.

I am recommending he contact and build partnerships with such companies in the industries of computers/technology, medical, outdoor, t-shirts, etc. Once he has built the partnerships, he needs to offer to put a link to their website on his and once it's completed, he should ask for the same in return.

Step 3: Never stop learning

The moment you stop improving yourself and/or growing your business will be the moment your company begins to fail. It may take five or ten years, but eventually the competition will surpass you. Don't ever get comfortable. Don't ever get content. Company B is always working just as hard, if not harder than you, to become company A.

Please check out our FREE eBooks at our Library as well as some motivational and informational videos by other great leaders of our country and successful entrepreneurs at our Resources page.

Step 4: Using the tools available

There are many great services available to help you build your online presence at little or no cost. Every one of the following sources are imperative to your success so please, make sure to create an account for each of them. We will go over how to utilize these tools in a later edition to the Suited eZine so please make sure to subscribe by visiting our Library.

Don't forget to put all the accounts in your business name. This is very important to increase your web presence. No one will know who you are unless you tell them.

Google Account

Google Profile

Business Solutions

  • Local Business Center
  • Adwords
  • Adsense
  • Analytics
  • Friend Connect
  • And any other service you find useful




Toll Free Number

Increase Your Sales

  • Increase Your Sales By Providing Information About Your Company & Business Tools 24/7

Enhance Your Image

  • Portray a Professional Image
  • Only One Number to Remember & Provide
  • Organize employees and departments

Be More Productive

  • Save Time By ONLY Talking to the Callers You Want to
  • Never Miss an Important Phone Call Again
  • All of Your Communication in One Spot
  • Instant Notification of New Messages

Learn More

Please visit to learn more about our company, educational products, services, and promotions and our What We Do page for more information.

Shane Russell,Suited Marketing,Business,Mentor,Marketing,Advertising,SEO

Visit our Library

Benefits of Excellent Customer Service - Brand Loyalty - ISSUE 4 - 3/3/10

Implementing a VIP Program into your business

I met with some clients today about helping them build and market their beauty salon. Their business has been around for almost a year and they still don't have the traffic they would like. They have done an unbelievable amount of word-of-mouth advertising by handing out coupons and flyers. These people are fantastic! They have even partnered up with the local restaurants and other businesses to trade for advertising space on their billboard. Even though the economy is tough, they are going to continue to fight and be tougher than both the economy and their competition.

Although your business may be a little different than this client, all the principles of the VIP program will be the same across the board.

I met Roxana, Mrs. Roxy Herself, at the local wireless store. She was handing out her flyers and I instantly thought about helping her market her business. About a week later, I ran into her again and I greeted her with excitement. It was as if we had known each other for years.

I then quickly made it a point to ensure we would be able to talk again. I took a coupon and went to get a haircut. As soon as I walked in the door of her salon I began smelling opportunity in the air. With my background, experience, knowledge, and education, I knew I could help them turn their business into a thriving business.

During our discussion tonight we came up with many great ideas, which I will be implementing shortly, but first we decided to develop a VIP program for their customers. This is a great way to focus their efforts on the easiest and very best way to earn business, repeat customers and referrals.

They already worked twice as hard as their competition to earn the business, now it's time to help them keep the business!

I told them we are going to create a VIP program not only to get those hard-earned referrals and repeat customers, but also to grab their customer's information so they can build loads of value for their customers. I told them they to be value-driven so their customers will come back time and time again.

I learned many of the techniques I'm mentioning here from Jeffrey Gitomer. Visit our Library for more of his techniques and other resources.

Their customer's information is like Gold simply because they will be able to keep in constant contact with them. They will be able to send them "value" letters, not necessarily "sales" letters. They will build a loyal customer base and have no choice but to expand their business.

They have a great niche. They just haven't capitalized on it yet.


Now that we decided to implement a VIP Program, we have to determine what information is the most valuable and necessary. Below is a list of all the information you want to get from all your customers so that we can learn about them, their interests, their family, and what's important to them. This will allow you to send "Value-Oriented" letters, postcards, flyers, emails, etc. as well as to give a personal touch and remind you about each customer before assisting them.

      1) Name
      2) Address
      3) Phone Number
      4) Email Address
      5) Birth Date
      6) Children's Names and Birth Dates (optional)
      7) Anniversary (optional)
      8) Pets' Names (optional)
      9) Hobbies/Interests/Career/School (optional)

Obviously, the more information you obtain from your customers, the more ammunition you will have in your back pocket. People really like to be welcomed, recognized, and remembered when they go somewhere, especially somewhere they frequent. This makes them feel important and it's your job as a business owner to ensure this.

If have haven't already, purchase customer tracking software to do this for you. An example can be found at: Please visit the website to learn about how this software can help make your life easier and assist you in building your business.

If your customers don't feel comfortable giving out their personal information, explain to them the importance and how it will benefit them. Say something along the lines of, "Mr. Customer, I understand this is a little out of the ordinary but you are very important to me as a customer, and I would like to get to know all my customers' needs, wants, and interests, including yours, so you will have the very best experience each and every time you come to our store. Plus, we have great promotions and discounts for all our VIP members including, but not limited to, a discount on all our products, FREE Birthday haircuts for you and your family, coupons delivered to your house, and more!"

Make them feel like a million bucks. They will get a very warm feeling inside and will never go anywhere else again! I assure you most people will gladly sign up because everyone wants to get free stuff.

In addition to obtaining your customer's information, you must spend a minute before assisting each of them to review the information from previous sessions. You must also spend a minute after to document the current experience and customer's preferences for future reference. This will give you something to talk about and you will already have an idea of their needs and wants.

There are too many people for you to remember everyone's needs, wants, preferences, every time. Don't even try. Just spend the extra minute. It will save you loads of time and will be worth the investment. I promise.

If you live in the Salt Lake City, UT area, please visit Roxy's Beauty Salon. It's a great atmosphere and they do an amazing job! They most certainly have the quality you would want as well as the ability to make you feel welcome and like part of the family.

New Year's Resolutions, Your Business & Going to the Gym - ISSUE 3 - 1/6/10

The holidays are over and the New Year is upon you. The remnants and scent of your holiday celebration are lurking throughout your house. You have cleaned up your annual mess and are ready for a fresh start. It's time to change your current habits and to form new ones.

For you the New Year means "New Beginning." You keep telling yourself this year will be different than all the rest. You are going to work harder, smarter, and more efficiently than ever before. You are going to sacrifice your free time for the greater good of your life and your family's.

You are going to go to the gym, eat healthy, eat out less, and stop wasting your money on frivolous items. You are also going to start saving 10% of your income, and you are going to start investing money into your 401k. This is going to be the year you really make it big and really make a difference in this world.


Every New Year brings the same unkempt promises. Every year you promise the same things but never follow through with them. You make tons of promises to yourself and they all sound great but your new behavior will only last for about a month before you begin to revert back to your old ways.

You begin the first week of the New Year by setting your alarm clock for 5 AM, waking up extra early to go to the gym before work so you can feel great the entire day and then be in bed no later than 9 o'clock to do the whole thing again the next day.

A week goes by; your body is sore and tired. The following Monday your alarm clock goes off at 5 AM and you hit the snooze button. It begins.


To make this year better and to accomplish your New Year's Resolutions, you need to have goals containing measurable results which include a starting and finishing point. In other words, where you are now and where you want to be. In general, "people don't plan to fail; they fail to plan."

Let's say you decide you want to lose 50 lbs by the end of the year. If you look into the mirror every day, you are going to quickly become discouraged because you aren't going to see any changes. It's like trying to watch a plant grow. If you sit and stare at it, you will never see any changes.

However, if you use a ruler and measure its size on a regular basis, you will see a slow, but gradual change over time. This applies directly to losing your 50 lbs. You must track everything you do in the gym to determine whether your behaviors are working and to help you stay focused on your goal.




Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves

Leg Press, Hamstring Curls, Calf Raises


Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

Bicep Curls and Dips


Bench Press and Pushups


Shoulder Press


Lateral Pull-downs


Sit-ups and Crunches


Jogging, Walking, Stairs


The purpose of a New Year's Resolution is to start over. It's the time of the year you can have a fresh start. However, the whole point of a New Year's Resolution is to create discipline in your life, especially when it's directly related to your health and the health of your business.

Discipline is crucial to sticking to your New Year's Resolutions and creating success in your life. Whether you are trying to lose 50 lbs or building your own business, you must discipline yourself in every facet of your life.

None of your goals are going to accomplish themselves.

There may be days when you don't feel like going to the gym or working on your business, but you must stay focused on your goals if you ever want to achieve them.

This is why writing everything down is so important whether it's your workout routine or just general thoughts and ideas. You must be able to measure your progress and you must be able to create new thoughts and ideas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why You Should Quit Your Job & Start Your Own Business - Issue 2 - 12/22/09

Every day I would wake up more sick and tired than the next. Although I was a little sick and tired from the winter weather and the season, I'm was more sick and tired of working for someone else.

The thought of going to work for someone else every day made me sick to my stomach. I woke up in the morning, got ready for work, and headed out the door. I'm was always in a good mood when I'd leave the house and was away from work, but as soon as I walked in the door at my job, the happiness subsided and the frustrations arose.

The following situations are not intended to be complaints (because I did something about it), but rather situations you can relate to in order to motivate you to quit your job. I'm very confident that everyone reading this article has experience similar situations in the past.

Situation 1

Even though I worked very hard and did a great job month-after-month, I still had my managers riding me every day to do better because nothing was ever good enough for our company. As employees, we were constantly scrutinized.

One day I got so sick and tired of it and not being paid the money I knew I was worth. I finally told my boss to get off my back because he was constantly breathing down my neck and there was no need to ride me the way he was. I've always been a very self-motivated person, and the way he approached me was hands down the worst way to get someone motivated to do a better job. He told me that if I didn't change my attitude, I could go home. For fear of not having a job the next day, I changed my attitude and went about my business.

Situation 2

My family is spread throughout the country and my boss told me that I couldn't go home for Thanksgiving nor Christmas because I HAD to work the following days. If I wasn't at work bright and early the day after the holidays, I would be out of a job. If it weren't for a few great friends who knew I was far away from home, I would have had to sit at home alone on Thanksgiving & Christmas.

That was the last straw!

I had to sacrifice a ton of fun, friendships, and enjoyment of life for the greater good. I made a commitment to myself that I would not quit pursuing my dreams until I was able to quit my job and live the life I have always wanted to live. I had to put my life on hold for a short period of time which was very difficult. My friends constantly asked me to go out and have fun. If I didn't go out, they would get very upset. Finally, I had to ask them to be supportive of my goals.

I received a lot of grief in the beginning because most people couldn't comprehend the thought of working for themselves and what it takes to be successful. Most people have been programmed from an early age to work 40 hours a week for 40 years for someone else, but not me. I was re-programmed in my early 20s and vowed I would quit my job before I was 30. Of course, I wasn't able to before then because I never sacrificed enough.

If you really want to quit your job and accomplish the goals you have set for yourself, you must sacrifice and become obsessed with your business. You must become well known in your business community and be the first person every potential customer or client thinks about when they are ready to purchase the product or service you provide.

IIn my opinion, obsession is success' predecessor. To quit your job and become successful, you must wake up early in the morning before anyone else is awake and work on your business; you must get off work in the evening and come home to work on your business; you must talk to everyone you run into about your business; you must pass out business cards to everyone you talk to; you must write down all your thoughts and ideas; you must share your expertise with the world; you must subscribe to my blog; and lastly, your must stop what you are doing right now, and ask yourself whether you are doing what you love.

Whether you are doing what you love or not, make the right decision today for a better tomorrow.
Follow Us on Twitter: @SuitedMktgCo

Why Getting Out of Debt is Crucial for Success - ISSUE 1 - 12/18/09

I am on my way home after a long weekend of goofing off in the great city of Chicago. As I sit here gazing out the starboard window of the airline jet at the crystal clear winter sky, I am looking down at the blissful, snow-covered earth and am asking myself whether or not I woke up this morning with a purpose. I took a break from my work and had a very eventful weekend visiting with my childhood friend, Joe, but it's now time to get back to business.

My mind is cluttered with all the new and amazing memories I created this weekend. I am thinking about the hockey game, the comedy club, the pub crawl, the shops, the food, and all the new friendships I created while in the city. Even though I am exhausted from the wonderful weekend, I want to feel a sense of accomplishment today so I decided to pull out my laptop and begin writing.

We have all had a weekend we can remember for the rest of our lives, and this past weekend was one of mine. I work extremely hard every day so that I can afford to travel to new places to meet new people and learn about different cultures. One of my long-term goals is to see the entire world. Although I may never be able to travel to every place I want to, I'm definitely going to give it my very best shot.

I have owned many nice things in my life, but nothing has ever made me feel the way I do about experiencing life. When I'm old and gray I want to be able to reflect back on my life and be thankful for being able to make a difference in many people's lives, no matter how miniscule it may have been; I want to be thankful for being able to make many new friendships and relationships all over the world; I also want to be thankful for being a better person because of it.

In my opinion, too many people focus solely on material possessions, but the true treasure is found in adventure and experiencing life. Not only do people admire others more for the things they have done, rather than the things they own, but there is so much more self-fulfillment involved. I love being able to share my experiences with other people. I always encourage my friends and family to go with me, but most of them are living paycheck to paycheck and are so deep in debt that they can't even afford to miss a few days of work.

I spent the majority of my twenties in the same situation as most. I missed out on many trips and events because I couldn't afford to miss work, especially since I worked in sales and had to work 99% of all weekends for more than a decade. However, I woke up one morning and decided to do something about it. I shredded my credit cards and decided to get out of debt so that I could build the financial future I have always dreamed of. I got sick and tired of making other people rich by paying high interest rates and compound interest.

Compound interest arises when interest is added to the principal, so that from that moment on, the interest that has been added also earns interest. This addition of interest to the principal is called compounding (i.e. the interest is compounded). A loan, for example, may have its interest compounded every month: in this case, a loan with $100 initial principal and 1% interest per month would have a balance of $101 at the end of the first month, $102.01 at the end of the second month, and so on.

In other words, if you make the minimum payments on your credit cards every month, interest will accumulate from the interest of the previous month, and so on. It's even worse if you're falling for all the schemes of the credit card companies and making consistent purchases without paying off the principal balance every month. Credit card companies want you to stay in debt to them forever, which will be your fate if you don't take control of yourself today.

In the beginning, it was very challenging for me to live within my means since I had had a credit card from the age of 18. If I wanted something, I always purchased it without thinking about the long-term ramifications of my decision. I always justified my purchases with excuses and promises I couldn't fulfill. Every time I bought something I promised myself I would pay off the charge at the end of the month, but that never happened.

I always made all my payments on time, which was usually the minimum, and every few years the credit card companies would give me a "reward" for being such a great customer. This led to a disaster. They had me right where they wanted me. They had me deep into debt with them. I am just thankful I learned what they were doing and caught myself before it was too late.

I was lucky enough to meet financial advisers and quickly learned what the term Compound Interest meant and decided I wanted it working for me instead of against me. My financial friends also taught me the Rule of 72. This is a mathematical formula used by financial experts to determine how long it will take for invested money to double. It's solved by dividing 72 by the rate of return. In other words, if you have a rate of return of 12%, you can expect your money to double every six years (72/12 = 6). It's a very simple, yet powerful formula.

Learning of this formula changed my life forever. I realized that if I had invested (and never touched) $20,000 by the age of 25 at a rate of 12%, it would be worth approximately $1,280,000 by the age of 61 (25 = $20,000, 31 = $40,000, 37 = $80,000, 43 = $160,000, 49 = $320,000, 55 = $640,000, 61 = $1,280,000). Even if you are starting out at the age of 40, it's not too late. That same $20,000 will be worth approximately $320,000 at a rate of 12% by the age of 64. As you can see, the money grows very little in the early years, but exponentially later in life, which is why you must begin investing as early as possible.

Another fact of life most people don't think about is inflation. The average annual rate of inflation is approximately 4% per year. In essence, your money is worth less and less as time progresses, and if you don't stay ahead of the game, you will lose big time! Most bank savings accounts yield a return of about 3% and CDs 5%. Just to make it worth your while, you must work really hard to find investments no less than 12%, which is pretty conservative.

In 2007, I calculated how much money I would have to begin investing at that moment if I wanted to retire at the age of 65 in 2044 with approximately $4,000 a month in 2007's dollars, which would equate to $14,000 a month in 2044's dollars due to inflation. I was astounded to find out that I would have to invest approximately $500 a month from that moment forward to accomplish my goal.

You may be thinking you don't have $20,000 to invest, which may be true at this very moment, but if you take control of your life now, you will have the money within the next few years. It's never too late. Most people spend a ridiculous amount of money on vehicles and get a new car every few years; I was there too. Before I learned of the Rule of 72, I had two vehicles and spent $1,000 a month between the two car payments and insurance. I was making everyone else rich, except myself. I finally sold one of the cars, and paid off the other, but not before realizing that those two cars alone cost me over $1,500,000 by the time I retire. Ouch!

If you start thinking about the long-term ramifications of your purchases before you spend the money, you will quickly realize how much money that new car in the driveway, that new flat screen tv, that new pool table, and all that new furniture is really costing you.

By no means am I telling you not to own those things, but a few years ago I was taught to buy investments to pay for my toys. There are two types of purchases you can make: an asset and a liability. An asset is something that puts money into your pocket (stocks, bonds, storage facility, apartment or home rental property, etc.) and a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket (car, boat, personal home (until the day you sell it and make a profit), etc.).

Instead of going out to buy a new car every two years, why don't you spend the money to purchase an investment property? Let's say, for example, you purchase a small home in a quiet neighborhood and are able to yield $300 a month profit from the tenants. You decide to buy a vehicle with a car payment of $250 a month. After making your payments for five years, your car is paid off and you are still making $300 a month indefinitely. Then, 20 years later, the real estate market is up and you decide to sell the house and make a hefty $50,000 profit.

Although this example may or may not happen, it's a tool to get you thinking differently about money and to help you get out of debt. I am not a financial expert, but I have a team of experts available to me. I highly recommend you do the same.
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