Monday, February 20, 2012

Why You Must Adopt Google for Advertising Online - ISSUE 26 - 2/20/12


What's the first thing you do when you want to know something?  You Google it!  This is by no accident.  Google was started in the 1990's by two college students attending Stanford with a desire to organize the information on the Internet.  In the early stages, they began by indexing all the information in the database for the school.  They knew they were on to something special but were young, in college, and with little resources.  They approached Yahoo! to purchase their ideas, but Yahoo! turned them down.  Obviously, this was a huge mistake on their part.

Learn how to build a new business the right way The Google Story: David A. Vise, Mark Malseed: Books

A little more than 15 years later, Google is in the top three Internet properties in the world and where is Yahoo!?  Sure, they're still around, but they aren't the superpower they once were because they thought they knew and had it all. They weren't open to new ideas and change. They were convinced they knew it all. How many times have you seen this happen within the last few decades? Too many to count, I presume. If you aren't already using Google in your marketing mix, hopefully you will soon. Or, you may be the next Yahoo!, Blockbuster, or Blackberry.

Where does Google fit in your media mix?

Consumers are empowered with all kinds of Internet devices - desktop computers, laptops, cell phones, tablets, tvs, dvd players, and even video game systems.  They are able to travel the world right from the comfort of their livingroom.  Going on the web in a down economy saves money, time, and costly travel.  In fact, staying in is now considered the new going out.

Marketing Concepts - Did you know?
  • Google...
    • is the #1 Advertising Network
    • reaches over 90% of the Internet
      • display partners, search partners, and Google properties combined
    • has over 456 million unique visitors per month
      • all Google content partners combined
    • has over 2.5 billion page views per day
      • all Google content partners combined
    • reaches all consumers in any industry

Over the last five years the advertising industry has changed drastically with an explosive growth in online advertising.  Many companies have already adopted this new paradigm and because of this, newspaper advertising, as well as other forms of traditional advertising mediums, have been cannibalized by online media budgets.  

Stay tuned for more on how to get your website on Google and online advertising.  In the coming blog posts, we will be talking about why online advertising has become so popular; the different stages of the buying cycle, and how you can capitalize on each; why Google advertising is so important; how you can tap into Google's search network; and much, much more!  We're really excited to share this information with you and hope you get a wealth of knowledge and value from our posts.

The Google Story - Kindle

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